Data Fields
procent Struct Reference

プロセステーブル(32bitsの倍数)。 More...

#include <process.h>

Data Fields

int16 prdesc [NDESC]
 プロセス用のデバイスディスクリプタ More...
bool8 prhasmsg
 有効(Valid)メッセージの場合、非0となる。 More...
umsg32 prmsg
 このプロセスに送信されたメッセージ。 More...
char prname [PNMLEN]
 プロセス名。 More...
pid32 prparent
 このプロセスを作成したプロセスID(親プロセスID)。 More...
pri16 prprio
 プロセスのスケジューリング優先度。 More...
sid32 prsem
 プロセスが待機しているセマフォ。 More...
uint16 prstate
 プロセス状態(PR_CURR, ..., etc)。 More...
char * prstkbase
 ランタイムスタックの基点(メモリ領域で最上位のアドレス)。 More...
uint32 prstklen
 Bytesで表されたスタックの長さ(最大値。Byte)。 More...
char * prstkptr
 保存されたスタックポインタ。 More...

Detailed Description


Definition at line 85 of file process.h.

Field Documentation

◆ prdesc

int16 procent::prdesc[NDESC]


Definition at line 108 of file process.h.

Referenced by create(), kill(), and shell().

◆ prhasmsg

bool8 procent::prhasmsg


Definition at line 106 of file process.h.

Referenced by create(), receive(), recvclr(), recvtime(), and send().

◆ prmsg

umsg32 procent::prmsg


Definition at line 104 of file process.h.

Referenced by receive(), recvclr(), recvtime(), and send().

◆ prname

char procent::prname[PNMLEN]


Definition at line 98 of file process.h.

Referenced by create(), sysinit(), and xsh_ps().

◆ prparent

pid32 procent::prparent


Definition at line 102 of file process.h.

Referenced by create(), kill(), and xsh_ps().

◆ prprio

pri16 procent::prprio


Definition at line 90 of file process.h.

Referenced by chprio(), create(), getprio(), ready(), resched(), resume(), suspend(), sysinit(), and xsh_ps().

◆ prsem

sid32 procent::prsem


Definition at line 100 of file process.h.

Referenced by create(), kill(), and wait().

◆ prstate

uint16 procent::prstate

プロセス状態(PR_CURR, ..., etc)。

Definition at line 88 of file process.h.

Referenced by create(), kill(), newpid(), ready(), receive(), recvtime(), resched(), resume(), send(), sleepms(), suspend(), sysinit(), unsleep(), wait(), and xsh_ps().

◆ prstkbase

char* procent::prstkbase


Definition at line 94 of file process.h.

Referenced by addargs(), create(), kill(), sysinit(), and xsh_ps().

◆ prstklen

uint32 procent::prstklen


Definition at line 96 of file process.h.

Referenced by addargs(), create(), kill(), sysinit(), and xsh_ps().

◆ prstkptr

char* procent::prstkptr


Definition at line 92 of file process.h.

Referenced by addargs(), create(), resched(), sysinit(), and xsh_ps().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: