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Sqly shell


The sqly shell starts when you run the sqly command without the --sql option. When you execute sqly command with file path, the sqly-shell starts after importing the file into the SQLite3 in-memory database. The sqly-shell also supports command history, and input completion.

$ sqly 
sqly v0.11.0

enter "SQL query" or "sqly command that begins with a dot".
.help print usage, .exit exit sqly.

sqly:~/github/$  .import actor.csv
sqly:~/github/$  .import numeric.csv
sqly:~/github/$  .tables
| actor      |
| numeric    |

sqly:~/github/$  SELECT actor, best_movie FROM actor LIMIT 3
|       actor       |          best_movie          |
| Harrison Ford     | Star Wars: The Force Awakens |
| Samuel L. Jackson | The Avengers                 |
| Morgan Freeman    | The Dark Knight              |

sqly:~/github/$  .mode ltsv
Change output mode from table to ltsv

sqly:~/github/$  SELECT actor, best_movie FROM actor LIMIT 3
actor:Harrison Ford     best_movie:Star Wars: The Force Awakens
actor:Samuel L. Jackson best_movie:The Avengers
actor:Morgan Freeman    best_movie:The Dark Knight

Key Binding for sqly-shell

Key Binding Description
Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of the line (Home)
Ctrl + E Go to the end of the line (End)
Ctrl + P Previous command (Up arrow)
Ctrl + N Next command (Down arrow)
Ctrl + F Forward one character
Ctrl + B Backward one character
Ctrl + D Delete character under the cursor
Ctrl + H Delete character before the cursor (Backspace)
Ctrl + W Cut the word before the cursor to the clipboard
Ctrl + K Cut the line after the cursor to the clipboard
Ctrl + U Cut the line before the cursor to the clipboard
Ctrl + L Clear the screen
TAB Completion
Previous command
Next command