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Sqly helper command

The sqly shell functions similarly to a common SQL client (e.g., sqlite3 command or mysql command). The sqly shell has helper commands that begin with a dot.

The sqly-shell has the following helper commands:

sqly:~/github/$ .help
        .cd: change directory
      .dump: dump db table to file in a format according to output mode (default: csv)
      .exit: exit sqly
    .header: print table header
      .help: print help message
    .import: import file(s)
        .ls: print directory contents
      .mode: change output mode
       .pwd: print current working directory
    .tables: print tables

cd command

sqly:~/github/$ .cd
sqly:~(table)$ .cd Desktop

dump command

sqly:~/github/$ .dump
  Output will be in the format specified in .mode.
  table mode is not available in .dump. If mode is table, .dump output CSV file.

exit command


# the sqly shell is closed

header command

sqly:~/github/$ .header
  .header TABLE_NAME

import command

sqly:~/github/$ .import
  .import FILE_PATH(S) [--sheet=SHEET_NAME]

  - Supported file format: csv, tsv, ltsv, json, xlam, xlsm, xlsx, xltm, xltx
  - If import multiple files, separate them with spaces
  - Does not support importing multiple excel sheets at once
  - If import an Excel file, specify the sheet name with --sheet

ls command

ls command call the ls command or dir command in the shell.

sqly:~/github/$ .ls
合計 8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nao nao  661  2月  3 13:09 wire.go
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nao nao 2292  2月  7 10:40 wire_gen.go

mode command

sqly:~/github/$ .mode
  .mode OUTPUT_MODE    current mode=table
[Output mode list]
  excel  active only when executing .dump, otherwise same as csv mode

pwd command

sqly:~/github/$ .pwd

tables command

sqly:~/github/$ .tables
there is no table. use .import for importing file

sqly:~/github/$  .import actor.csv
sqly:~/github/$  .import numeric.csv
sqly:~/github/$  .tables
| actor      |
| numeric    |