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The sqly architecture

The sqly project adopts the Clean Architecture. We are verifying whether the implementation follows the architecture using fe3dback/go-arch-lint.

The sqly shell calls the usecase interface, and the interactor implements the usecase. The interactor uses the domain (business logic) to perform data operations. Specifically, it uses the infrastructure that implements the domain/repository interface.

The sqly reads data from each file, converts it into a table format, and stores the converted table data in an in-memory SQLite3 database. sqly does not have its own SQL parser and relies on SQLite3 for parsing.

Here is a high-level overview of the Clean Architecture for the sqly project:

+------------------+     +------------------+     +------------------+
|      cmd        | --> |      shell       | --> |     usecase      | interface
+------------------+     +------------------+     +------------------+
                                                 |    interactor    | implement
                      +------------------+     +------------------+
                      | domain/model     | --> | domain/repository | interface
                      +------------------+     +------------------+
                                                 |  infrastructure  | implement

Directory structure

├── config  # When the sqly command is executed, the configuration is read from the config directory.  
├── di      # Dependency injection
├── doc     # Documentation
├── domain  # Business logic. This directory contains the model and repository interfaces.
├── golden  # Test framework. This package is forked from
├── infrastructure # Implementation of the repository interface
├── interactor    # Implementation of the usecase interface. This package uses the domain and infrastructure packages.
├── shell        # sqly shell
├── testdata     # Test data
└── usecase      # Use case interface. The shell calls this interface.